Saturday, July 21, 2012

A bit about me and what I'm trying to do

Hey Guys, Damian here from the UK.

Sher, has given me license and permission to express to his group some of my insights and intel. Like him, I have been researching everything having to do with the Iraqi Dinar including what lead up to turning Iraq on it's backside to where it is now and why it's stuck, seemingly in limbo.  Unlike Sher, I have the additional experience of having served in Iraq with Her Majesty's Royal Marines. 

I can not say hardly anything about my service in Iraq because there were not very many of us so any specifics would allow for easy identification of me. Some of the things I learned there along with some of the intel I plan to release would get me buggered quick so please understand.

What I can share with you is that I joined the Royal Marines for the purpose of doing my part in freeing the world from what I thought was one of the great evils of our time, well before your 9/11.

I would find out how wrong I was and today I can report to you, my readers that I know beyond doubt still, that I was wrong to have judged the Middle East as a whole like I did, based on what our media told me.

In this blog I am going to try to present to you both what I know first hand mixed well with videos and audio that supports reasonably well what I came to know as the true evil of this world and it's many, bloody minions.

I have been discussing with Sher what might be positive, affective solutions and feel that we on to something starting with:
  • Prayer of Blessing on our respective Nations and leaders
  • Be the Peace & Compassion you wish to see in the world
  • Raising Awareness where ever and however we can
  • Befriend your neighbors no matter their color, beliefs or persuasions
  • Prepare for tough times, should they occur (water, food, first aid etc)
  • *Not for everyone*  Obtain weapons & combat training - just in case it really goes to sh_t everywhere...
It strikes me that you can't just present BIG problems without also offering BIG solutions and while raising awareness seems to me to be part of the solution, it's just not enough.

It will be hard for some of you to believe some of what I'll be sharing and maybe I just need to get some of these things off my chest so I might walk from this life just bit less incumbered. My intention is really not to cause an uprising, rather to just do my part to raise awareness as Sher is so fond of saying all the time and to present solutions. One of my favorite yank authors suggests in his writings to "focus on the solution, not on the problem" and for my part, I am devoted to that end.

With regard to Sher, I've actually never met the man but I immediately liked him and saw that he was very much like me in my desire to share truth, raise awareness and some how "be a part of the solution" (another Sher-ism).  I also liked that Sher is not afraid to ask the hard questions and appears undaunted by receiving no answer or an answer that is surely not going to be believed let alone popular... I also found it ironic that he and I share the same birth day though I am a number of years his junior.

With regard to a picture is worth a thousand words, I submit a few images that are reminiscent of my own experience in Iraq...  
Be sure to click on the images if you'd like to see them up closer...

I saw a whole lot of fleeing very much like rats leaving a sinking ship
The hardest thing for me was seeing this kind of murder
all the time by all of the UN forces most especially the US...
Looking on, very detached from what was really going on...
Many of the troops "got religion" real fast, I did too... was like the Twilight Zone at times with normalcy
popping up in the middle of mayhem & ruins...
The Tribal Leaders of so many factions came and left...
...No, he's not dead, beaten senseless maybe but not dead.
...So much looting and crime everywhere, more like a sand
storm than anything, impossible to control at first...'s funny to me how politicians are so good at putting
an amazingly happy face on the horrors of war...
...Tony was our Bush Jr. that sent us to Iraq to relieve
the world of a madman but with the much bigger purpose
of serving a few Global Central Banking families and their
bought & paid for UN military. I lost many mates there...

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